There are two dominant processor architectures of the moment, ARM and x86. x86 is the kind of processor architecture that IBM compatible/Windows PC's have used for the past couple of decades. ARM has been used in more specialised electronics (like the Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, iPod, etc.).
The version of Windows installed on PCs has been designed around the x86 architecture, and I'm pretty sure up until recently Windows CE was the only OS Microsoft made that supported ARM. Then they made Windows RT, which shares a lot in common with Windows 8, but can't run x86/legacy/Windows compatible applications.
The only reason a device would be running Windows RT is if it's using an ARM processor. In the case of this tablet, it's using an Intel x86 processor so it's safe to assume that it will run Windows 8. The whole confusion created by all of this is why a lot of people think MS should kill WinRT, considering Intel are rapidly catching up with ARM in regards to energy efficiency (arguably ARM's greatest benefit).
Source: Studied, and understood from various internet sources :-)
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